Rust Functions
When you need several operations to execute one after another we put these operations into a functions
The function is a block of code limited by curly braces, which contains a couple of instructions that can do by the machine.
To make a function in Rust you have to use the fn keyword then the function name then round brackets
fn functions()
Call a function
fn main() {
Arguments (By value)
It is the values that the functions take
fn print_value(x: i32)
println!("value = {}", x);
fn main()
// value = 33
Change Arguments (By reference)
fn increase(x: &mut i32)
*x += 1; // dereference the x value
fn main()
let mut z = 1;
increase(&mut z);
Return value
fn product(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32
x * y // without the semicolone
fn main()
let a = 3;
let b = 5;
let p = product(a, b);
println!("{} * {} = {}", a, b, p);
The method is a container function, so in rust, the container is the struct data type.
struct Point
x: f64,
y: f64
struct Line
start: Point,
end: Point
impl Line
fn len(&self) -> f64
let dx = self.start.x - self.end.x;
let dy = self.start.y - self.end.y;
(dx*dx + dy*dy).sqrt()
fn methods()
let p = Point { x: 3.0, y: 4.0};
let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 10.0};
let myline = Line { start: p, end: p2 };
println!("length = {}", myline.len());
It is creating a function and store it in a variable
fn say_hello() {println!("hello");}
fn main()
let sh = say_hello;
// hello
The syntax for closure
fn closures()
let plus_one = |x:i32| -> i32 { x + 1};
let a = 6;
println!("{} + 1 = {}", a, plus_one(a));
let mut two = 2;
{ // make scope for the closure
let plus_two = |x|
let mut z = x;
z += two;
println!("{} + 2 = {}", 3, plus_two(3));
let barrow_two = &mut two;