Rust Operators
Rust arithmetics, bitwise, logical operators
fn operators()
let mut a = 2+3*4; // will be * (+)
println!("{}", a);
a = a + 1; // -- ++ , a++ is not supported
a += 1; // -= += *= /= %=
println!("reminder of 13 / 3 = {}", 13 % 3); // 1
let a_cubed = i32::pow(a, 3); // a * a * a
println!(" a cubed = {}", a_cubed);
let b = 2.5;
let b_cubed = f64::powi(b, 3);
let b_to_pi = f64::powf(b, std::f64::consts::PI);
println!("{} cubed = {}, {}^pi = {}", b, b_cubed, b, b_to_pi);
// 2.5 cubed = 15.625, 2.5^pi = 17.78956824426224
bitwise operations
it is only availabel to the integers in Rust.
let c = 1 | 2; // | OR, & AND, ^ XOR, ! NOR
println!("1|2 = {}", c); // 01 OR 10 == 11 == 3 _10
let two_to_powr_10 = 1 << 10;
println!("2^10 = {}", two_to_powr_10); // 1024
// < , <=, >, >=, ==, !=
let pi_less_4 = std::f64::consts::PI < 4.0: // true
let x = 5;
let x_is_5 = x == 5; // true